In a couple of minutes , 7th day of 2016 will start . What ? Feeling like just yesterday you celebrated New Year with all the fireworks and stuffs ? Sorry , I am not into them . I don't celebrate New Year , I mean I don't even bother to watch the fireworks . Back then , pernahlah kot , excited nak tengok fireworks , well typical kids , now I am a grown up man . Those fireworks were just like a piece of sheet . serius bajet nak mati
2016 was not started pretty well . Why ? It was only the beginning and I have to make a serious , big decision regarding to my future . Pretty hard , damn stress , I am crying plus dying at the same time . Hahaha . Okay tak , tipu jeh , Eheh .
Let's make this thing clear . I managed to further my study somewhere in USA but then I don't want to .
Kenapa ?
Peluang depan mata kot .
Serius ahh kau tak nak pergi ? "
First of all , hear me out kay ? Do judge after you read this .
At first , our appeal was rejected , but then it was approved . Yeayyyy . It was conditionally approved . After hardly discussing , I accepted the condition . But then , the HQ said that the possibility for us to fly early is very thin . We might have to fly on fall , which is about August / September . At that moment , I was like .... It is better for me to stay here , study locally . So I decided to study locally . I was determined to study locally without regretting my decision . But then , the very latest news said that we can fly at the end of March .
This was the hardest time for me . I was uncertain . To stay locally or study abroad . Istikharah semua dah , I was out with this decision , STAY . I told my mom about this , about my decision , Alhamdulillah , she respected it. She also said that it is better if I study locally as it will be easier for her to look up for me . Nampak kan , manja sungguh . Eheh .
Why did I enter this program if at the end I would choose to study locally ?
Eheh . Nice question . Well , everyone will go through this situation , which you will go through a wrong path . It is not actually a wrong path but it is a path that will teach you a very valuable lesson . My journey all the way last year , my entire nine months in the college was actually a lesson for me . I called it A LESSON YEAR . I learnt from my mistakes , fixed them and try not to repeat them again in the future .
Don't I feel regret ?
There's no point for me to regret . In fact , I am very glad that I had been there , going through all the hardship with my lovely friends . My entire nine months in the college had actually grown a much stronger me .
My future plan ?
Start a new life again from zero as an SPM leaver yet a stronger SPM leaver . Eheh .
I might be late a year from my batch but do I care ?
As long as I have the spirit . Yeah , learning is a lifetime process .
Don't need much just prayers from you guys so that I can easily further my study locally .
Do pray that I will be accepted to IPG and also IPTA soon :)
Last but not least ,

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