Wow. Looks like I am enjoying my blog right now. This blog is totally mine. MINE. HAHAHAHAHA (evil laughter) Surely there will be no more assignments to be done such as the words list, movies review, novels review and blablabla. At the end, tak guna pun semua benda nih. Okay bukan takde guna, at least a little bit I can improve my English. *clishe nya * Nampak tak ? I did all the assignments because of the carry mark, at last, pointer pun takde. Maybe because of this, tak berkat kut semua yang aku dapat. To be honest, sometimes I just copied all the words *okay not all*, then I put them in this blog and I never ever ever look at them again. What's the point haa? It was like I am doing a non-worthy job for myself. Okay, I am the one who doesn't want to grab the chance to learn a lot of new vocabs. Okay, my fault.
Since I have been staying in my home sweet home for almost 2 months now, I feel very boring. Yelah, mana taknya. Hari-hari kau bangun buat kerja yang sama dan ia akan berterusan untuk beberapa bulan lagi, What a life ! So, one day, I decided to look for a job to spend my leisure time. Haha. I look for it with my beloved mom. After having a tour around the city, we stopped by a shop then I saw a " JAWATAN KOSONG" sign in front of it. Me, with my full of enthusiasm, got into the shop and asked for the job vacancy. The owner just took my details and said that he will catch up with me later. Till today, he does not call me for the job. Huh, what a false hope. Setakat nak kemas-kemas kedai tuh, takkan tak nak ambil aku kot ? Hahahaha.
And my journey continued until I found a supermarket also showed the job vacancy sign. Me, once again got into it and asked one of the employers about the vacancy. It was very disappointing when the owner was not available and will be there after lunch. Hahaha. Memang taklah nak datang balik situ. Mak aku busy kot. Maka, impian untuk mendapatkan kerja di supermarket tersebut juga gagal.
On our way home, my mom stopped by a pharmacy to buy some medicine. Of course lah kan. Ada ke orang pergi farmasi nak beli sayur ? Hahahaha. Aku buat lawak nih, gelaklah . Okay. Next to the pharmacy is a clinic. Macam tak strategik jeh kan buat klinik dengan farmasi sebelah menyebelah sebab nanti farmasi tuh yang untung. Kenapa ? Sebab orang sekarang takut nak jumpa doktor. Hahahaha. Okay, back to the clinic. I saw the "JAWATAN KOSONG DIPERLUKAN SEGERA" glued to the glass door of the clinic. Once again, with a full of enthusiasm, I entered the clinic with hope I will get the job. I asked the front desk about the job vacancy and we talked quiet a lot. Sempat kot mengumpat doktor kat dalam tuh. Then, the doctor called me for the interview. He asked about my details and lastly he asked about my school. Aku jawablah dulu sekolah kat MRSM TGB. Guess what was his respond ?
"Oh, budak MRSM. Kenapa tak sambung belajar ? Takde universiti nak terima awak ke ?"
Pada saat itu, hanya Tuhan yang tahu betapa deep nya soalan tuh. * loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes~* Aku hanya mampu tersenyum, diam kaku seribu bahasa. Nak jawab bukan dia tahu pun pasal program tak diiktiraf aku nih. At last he said,
" Sorry, we don't approved a part timer. We need a full time worker".
Once again, that broke my heart. Ouch. Dan aku keluar dari klinik itu dengan perasaan hiba dan hampa. During my conversation with the front desk's girl in that clinic, she said that the salary given just RM600 per month and you have to work for 8 hours per day. It is not even worthly la, for me. I told my mom bout that and she said,
"Mana ada orang nak kerja full time dengan gaji RM600 sebulan".
Aku hanya mampu mengiyakan.
Maka hingga ke saat ini, aku masih mereput di rumah layan drama korea, scroll facebook, twitter sampai penat.Hahahaha.
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